Date: Thursday, May 12th, 2022
Time: 10:00 AM PT
Who it's for: Aggregators (Efficiency and Demand Response Providers)
Presenting: Randy Roy, Matt Burton and Tyler Kashdan from Recurve

Getting started with California’s new Residential Market Access Program is easy.
In this webinar, we walk you through the entire process, from signing the flexibility purchase agreement (FPA), to submitting your first project, to receiving your final payment.
You’ll learn:
- What kinds of projects work best for Market Access.
- How to determine if customers are eligible based on data sufficiency requirements.
- What exactly you need in order to submit your first project and secure funds.
- How to calculate the Market Access incentive payments for your project.

Bring any and all questions, or jump the queue to set up a one-on-one meeting right now.