AESP Summer Con: Tackling Demand Flexibility From Every Angle

August 10, 2022

Date: Thursday, August 18th, 2022
Time: 8:45AM - 10:00 AM
Hilton Philadelphia at Penn’s Landing


Matt Heimann
Recurve, Market Development Director

Bridget French
VEIC, Managing Consultant

Marc Romito
Elevation, VP of Enterprise Solutions

Chris Guttman-McCabe
Anterix, Chief Regulatory and Communications Officer

Beginning at the individual building level and moving through to the distribution system and onto regional wholesale markets, intelligent energy platforms are the key to coordinating the grid of the future. 

Join Recurve’s Matt Heimann and other experts for a panel discussion on how intelligent energy platforms can help scale behind-the-meter distributed energy resources. 

For his part of the discussion, Matt will explain:

  • How a market-based approach can scale behind-the-meter demand flexibility resources
  • How data can help providers target the right customers to maximize value and provide savings where it's needed most
  • Why equity goals are critical and how to make sure communities don't get left behind
  • How markets can enable a new model for virtual power plants that provide a pathway for distributed energy resources to scale.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

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