Introduction to FLEXvalue: Step-by-Step Support to Get the Engine up and Running

April 8, 2021

Apr 15, 2021 10:00 AM PT

Apr 21, 2021 02:30 PM PT

(Note: these are two dates for the same training).

Who is it for?
Utility Program Administrators, Energy Efficiency Implementers

The FLEXvalue engine is an open-source package of tools to simplify and bring to life the valuation of demand-side resources. With the FLEXvalue application, users have the power to generate the dollar value and avoided emissions of demand-side resources using either measured load shapes or standard “deemed” values.

The ability of FLEXvalue to compute grid and carbon benefits from customizable load shapes removes a significant barrier to the more holistic and innovative demand-side solutions needed to address today’s climate challenges.

Along with quantifying cost-effectiveness and emissions impacts, FLEXvalue produces a series of graphics that showcase a portfolio’s value and provide insights on pathways to optimize. With FLEXvalue, users also gain access to a clear price signal that all parties can utilize to connect observed program impacts to their grid and carbon value.

In these trainings, you will get step-by-step support to get the FLEXvalue engine up and running and answer your most urgent questions. 

Apr 15, 2021 10:00 AM PT

Apr 21, 2021 02:30 PM PT

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