Recurve Welcomes Satomi Ichii as a Software Engineer

August 25, 2021

Welcome Satomi!

With a background in software engineering and human resources, Satomi brings a unique, interdisciplinary perspective to the Recurve team. She is very excited to start her engineering career with a mission-driven company like Recurve.

After graduating college in Japan, Satomi began her career in HR. While working as an HR manager, she had the opportunity to move to New York, where she was excited to live in a diverse environment and meet people with global career experiences.

Working for a Japanese real estate firm as a project manager and a database admin sparked strong interest in using data to solve problems and pushed her to pursue a career in tech. As a software engineer with a non-traditional background, she is passionate about working on products and for companies that make a positive impact on the community.

Among friends and family, Satomi is known for loving cats and having a passion for soup noodles, and her travel itinerary always has "find a local ramen shop" and "meet neighborhood cats" in it.

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